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12. Vegetarianism in Vedas, Flesh-Eating in Bible



Vegetarianism is the pivot round which Vedic philosophy revolves.  According to Vedas, flesh-eating is strictly prohibited.  It is not only unnatural food, but also detrimental to body and soul.

Man is vegetarian by nature.  He is herbivorous and graminivorous, not carnivorous.  Flesh-eating does not suit his body and nature.  Those animals which are carnivorous like lion, wolf etc; are given by nature sharp teeth and claws in order to enable them to cleave the flesh with sharp claws and cut the same with sharp teeth.  But human teeth are blunt, fit for fruits, grains and vegetables.  Human intestines are different from those of carnivorous animals.  The intestines of human body cannot digest properly flesh of animals.  The intestines of those men who are flesh-eaters are generally weak.  Those who are addicted to flesh-eating generally fall victim to diseases like cancer, gastric ulcers, paralysis, high blood-pressure, indigestion, gas trouble, heart-trouble, kidney trouble etc.  The flesh-eaters no longer enjoy longevity.  The germs that stick to the slaughtered animals are being devoured by flesh-eaters with the result that they fall victim to those diseases in which the slaughtered animals were involved. Tuberculosis is the most common disease among animals especially cattle.  Besides, flesh-food consists of unexcreted waste material of the butchered animal.  When animal is slaughtered, the decomposing cells and partly oxidized waste matter, which are normally in the blood and tissues of muscles, are left in the flesh.  Moreover, when the excretion and circulation of the slaughtered animal are suddenly stopped, the muscle cells which still live for some hours, continue to produce animal poison; and since there is no circulation to throw it out, it accumulates in the meat which is swallowed by man.  Thus man invites diseases through flesh-eating.

Diet produces great effect on man�s temperament.  Non-vegetarian food makes man lustful, revengeful, wrathful, fierce, furious, ferocious, hardhearted, savage, brutal and barbarian; while vegetarian diet makes him kind, cool, compassionate, contented, soft, sober, civil and serene.  Flesh-eater�s heart is as hard as stone, while vegetarian�s heart is as soft as velvet.  Flesh-eater�s brains is like a furnace full of flames.  Vegetarian�s brains is like a fountain from where pleasant jets of cool water spring forth.  Flesh-eater believes in violence, destruction and devastation; while vegetarian believes in non-violence, construction and creation.  His heart throbs with warmth of selfless love for all fellow-creatures.

He who slaughters tongue-tied dumb creatures, who are faithful friends of men, in prosperity as well as adversity, just to fill his stomach, commits the most heinous sin

Anaagaaohtyaa vaO BaImaa kRxtyao maa naao gaamaSvaM paur]YaM vaQaI:|
                    à Aqava-vaod 10ó1ó29

Oh violent man
It is the most heinous sin
To kill the innocent creatures,
Kill not our cows
Our horses and our men.
                   - Atharva Veda 10/1/29


Holy Bible does not forbid flesh-eating.  According to Bible, one can eat the flesh of ruminating animals, which have cloven (cleft or cracked) hoof and chew the cud.

141. �3. Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat.�
- Leviticus, 11/3
The swine has cloven (cleft) hoof, but it does not chew the cud, hence its flesh is forbidden :
142. �7. And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.�
- Leviticus, 11/7
Among the animals living in the waters, one can eat the flesh of the animal having fins and scales :
143. �9. These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever bath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.�
- Leviticus, 11/9
Among the fowls and creepers, one can eat the flesh of those birds and four-footed creepers which can leap upon the earth with their legs and feet :
144. �21. Yet these may ye cat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth;�
- Leviticus, 11/21

�Those who slaughter the animals should be looked upon as enemies of the whole human race.�

- Swami  Dayanand Saraswati



Kanayalal M. Talreja
Preface 1. Vedic Monotheism and Biblical Doctrine of Trinity 2. Cult of Virgin Mary and Vedic Universal Law 3. Biblical God Creates Conflict, Vedic God Precepts Peace 4. Biblical God is Wrathful, Vedic God is Benevolent Friend 5. Mercy by Vedic God, Massacre by Biblical God 6. Bible Prescribes Death Penalty, Vedas Preach Reformation 7. Bible Denigrates Women, Vedas Elevate Them 8. Obscene Episodes In Bible, Moral Code of Conduct in Vedas 9. Bible : Torture Non-Believers, Vedas : Love All 10. Bible Preaches Atrocious Intolerance, Vedas Preach Fraternity 11. Biblical God Demands Sacrifice of Animals, Vedic God Saves Dumb Animals 12. Vegetarianism in Vedas, Flesh-Eating in Bible 13. Human Sacrifice in Bible Non-Violence in Vedas 14. Strain of Cannibalism in Bible, Purity in Vedas 15. Unparliamentary Language in Bible, Sweetness of Tongue in Vedas 16. Unscientific Teachings in Bible, Scientific Truth in Vedas 17. Bible Preaches Untruth, Vedas Preach Truth 18. Bible Condemns Knowledge, Wisdom and Philosophy, Vedas Promote Them 19. Biblical Doctrine of Damnation, Vedic Doctrine of Salvation 20. Doctrine Of �Be Good, Do Good� In Both Vedas And Bible 21. Sermons Of �Forgiveness And Non-Violence� In Both Vedas and Bible 22. Witchcraft In Bible, Divine Path in Vedas 23. Bible Establishes Slavery, Vedas Preach Equality And Liberty 24. Bible Preaches �Racism�, Vedas Preach �Equal Rights� 25. Biblical God Breaks and Burns Idols Vedic God Bestows Bliss 26. Biblical God Is Jealous And Vindictive, Vedic God Is Benevolent Father 27. Tyrannical Voice Of Biblical God Blissful Nature Of Vedic God 28. Butchery By �Biblical Men Of God�, Benevolence By Vedic �Rishis� Bibliography